Stoic News

By Dave Kelly

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Proper Use of Impressions


Please generate a step-to-step guide to making proper use of impressions using solely the following text: Seddon, pg. 114.


"Step-by-Step Guide to Making Proper Use of Impressions:

1. Understand the relationship between happiness, good flow (euroia), moral character (prohairesis), and the proper use of impressions.

2. Recognize that your happiness and good flow depend on the disposition of your moral character, which is maintained by the correct use of impressions.

3. Recognize that knowing the theory behind the proper use of impressions is not enough. You need to actively practice using impressions correctly to benefit from them.

4. Cultivate a constant awareness of what you are assenting to. Be conscious of your thoughts and judgments, and strive to understand what you are accepting or agreeing with.

5. Maintain a dialogue with yourself as events and situations unfold. Ask yourself questions like, "Now, what has happened here?" to bring awareness to the present moment.

6. Acknowledge that some things are beyond your control and have no impact on you. When faced with external circumstances that are irrelevant to your well-being, remind yourself that they are not in your power and hold no significance for you.

7. Consider how you should respond based on your role and virtuous conduct in accordance with nature. Assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action that aligns with your values and virtues.

8. When experiencing strong emotions or pathos, pause and reflect on the underlying cause. Recognize that it may be due to wrongly assenting to an impression.

9. Take a step back and reevaluate the impression that led to the emotional response. Judge it correctly and identify any errors in your initial assessment.

10. Determine if the situation concerns something external. If it does, remind yourself that it holds no relevance to your inner well-being and should not affect your inner state.

11. Practice this dialogue with yourself consistently. Continuously remind yourself of the proper use of impressions to strengthen your ability to make accurate judgments and respond virtuously.

"Remember, mastering the proper use of impressions requires ongoing effort and mindfulness. Through consistent practice and self-reflection, you can cultivate a greater sense of inner peace, align your actions with your values, and enhance your overall well-being" (ChatGPT).

Keith Seddon (2005). Epictetus' Handbook and the Tablet of Cebes.


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