Stoic News

By Dave Kelly

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What is the Six-Step Process for Identifying Automatic Thoughts?


What is the six-step process for identifying automatic thoughts?


"The six-step process for identifying automatic thoughts is commonly associated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and is used to help individuals become aware of their automatic thoughts, which are the rapid and spontaneous thoughts that occur in response to a situation. Here are the six steps:

1. Recognize the Trigger: Identify the situation or event that triggered an emotional or behavioral response. It could be something that happened externally or an internal thought or memory.

2. Identify the Emotion: Recognize the primary emotion you experienced in response to the trigger. It could be anger, sadness, fear, guilt, or any other emotion.

3. Pause and Reflect: Take a moment to pause and reflect on your immediate thoughts or mental images that accompanied the emotional response. Try to identify the thoughts that came to your mind automatically without deliberate processing.

4. Write Down the Thoughts: Write down the automatic thoughts verbatim. Be as specific and detailed as possible, capturing the exact wording and phrasing that went through your mind.

5. Evaluate the Thoughts: Examine the automatic thoughts and evaluate their accuracy and helpfulness. Ask yourself questions like: "Are these thoughts based on evidence or assumptions?" "Are they rational and logical?" "Do they contribute to my well-being or do they hinder me?"

6. Generate Alternative Thoughts: Challenge the automatic thoughts and generate alternative, more balanced or realistic thoughts. Consider alternative explanations or interpretations of the situation. This step aims to develop more adaptive and constructive ways of thinking that can lead to healthier emotions and behaviors."

"By going through this process, individuals can gain insight into their automatic thoughts, assess their validity, and work on reframing negative or unhelpful thinking patterns. It's important to note that this process may take time and practice to become proficient, but it can be a valuable tool for improving one's emotional well-being" (ChatGPT).


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