Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Logical Structure of Stoic Ethics:


The Logical Structure of Stoic Ethics: 

1. Human flourishing consists in virtue and joy

2. Virtue is in our control

3. Joy is in our control

4. External things are not in our control

5. Virtue is good

6. Vice is evil

7. External things are not good

8. External things are not evil

9. Emotions occur if and only if we believe external things have value

10. External things have no value

11. Without believing external things have value, there are no emotions

12. Virtue leads to not believing external things have value

13. Joy leads to not believing external things have value

14. Therefore, human flourishing consists in not believing external things have value and virtue

Derived from:

Nine excerpts and full texts about Stoicism from Grant C. Sterling

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