Stoic News

By Dave Kelly

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Path to Inner Peace: Desires, Aversions, and Virtuous Living

With a little prompting Claude produced this:

"The Path to Inner Peace: Desires, Aversions, and Virtuous Living."  

"I must remain mindful of the true sources of happiness and misfortune. Attaining the objects of my desires does not guarantee happiness, nor does avoiding the things I currently have an aversion to lead to a life free from misfortune. True peace comes from desire and aversion focused on what is within my control.

"If I avoid only those things that are unnatural and under my direct power, I can live without falling into misfortune. But desiring or fearing externals like health, wealth, or even life itself is a path to certain unhappiness. These things lie beyond my control, so I must let go of craving or revulsion toward them.

"For now, I will remove desire entirely from my mind. Wanting what I cannot have will only breed disappointment. There is nothing truly excellent currently within my grasp that I should even wish for. I will be content with this present moment and state of being.

"When I must make choices, I will do so calmly and dispassionately, without lapsing into fevered grasping or aversion. I will choose or turn away with a light mind, unattached to outcomes. Desire and fear distort our reason - I will be watchful against their pull.

"My true good lies in living with virtue, acting rightly with a will in accord with nature. External events cannot make me broken - only my own judgments about them can disturb my peace of mind. I will aim to desire only what aligns with wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation. With right judgment, I cannot be unduly shaken by circumstance" -- Claude.


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