Stoic News

By Dave Kelly

Monday, June 19, 2023

The Six Step Process for Identifying and Challenging Automatic Thoughts


Please generate an example of going through the six step process for identifying and challenging automatic thoughts.


"Example of Going Through the 6-Step Process for Identifying Automatic Thoughts:"

"Step 1: Recognize the Emotional Response Susan was sitting in her office, feeling overwhelmed and anxious. She recognized that she was experiencing a strong sense of unease and tension in her body.

"Step 2: Pause and Reflect Susan decided to take a short break and step outside for some fresh air. She found a quiet spot in a nearby park and took a few deep breaths, allowing herself to calm down and create mental space for reflection.

"Step 3: Identify the Underlying Thought During her reflective pause, Susan realized that the underlying thought triggering her anxiety was, "I won't be able to finish this project on time, and my boss will be disappointed in me." She noticed that this thought appeared automatically and quickly in her mind.

"Step 4: Evaluate for Cognitive Distortions Susan examined her thought for cognitive distortions. She realized that she was engaging in black-and-white thinking, assuming that not meeting the deadline would automatically lead to her boss's disappointment. She also noticed that she was overgeneralizing, assuming that one project's outcome would define her entire professional reputation.

"Step 5: Collect Evidence for and Against the Thought Susan started gathering evidence both for and against her automatic thought. She considered her past experiences and remembered instances where she successfully completed projects on time. She also reminded herself that her boss had expressed satisfaction with her work in the past. On the contrary, she acknowledged that feeling anxious didn't necessarily mean the thought was accurate or valid.

"Step 6: Generate Alternative Thoughts In light of the evidence she collected, Susan generated alternative thoughts. She came up with: "I have a track record of meeting deadlines, and I can seek support if needed. Even if this project takes longer, my boss understands unforeseen challenges." She practiced repeating these alternative thoughts to herself, aiming to reframe her perspective and alleviate her anxiety.

"By going through these steps, Susan was able to identify her automatic thought, challenge its validity, and generate alternative thoughts that were more balanced and realistic. This process allowed her to reframe her thinking and reduce her anxiety, enabling her to approach her work with a clearer and more constructive mindset" (ChatGPT).


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