Stoic News

By Dave Kelly

Saturday, June 10, 2023

ChatGPT' Rational Responses to Ten Negative Thoughts That Demonstrate Overgeneralization

Can ChatGPT generate ten "negative thoughts" that are examples of "Overgeralization," and for each example generate a CBT Rational Response?


"Certainly! Here are ten examples of negative thoughts that demonstrate overgeneralization, along with corresponding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) rational responses:

• Negative Thought: "I failed one test; I'm always going to be a failure." Rational Response: "Failing one test doesn't define my abilities. It's just one setback, and I can learn from it and improve in the future."

• Negative Thought: "I got rejected once; I'll never find love." Rational Response: "One rejection doesn't mean I'll never find love. It's just a single experience, and there are plenty of opportunities for meaningful connections in the future."

• Negative Thought: "I made a mistake at work; I'm completely incompetent." Rational Response: "Making a mistake doesn't make me incompetent. It's a chance to learn and grow. Everyone makes mistakes, and it doesn't diminish my overall competence."

• Negative Thought: "I didn't get the promotion; I'm never going to advance in my career." Rational Response: "Not getting one promotion doesn't mean I'll never advance. There are multiple factors at play, and I can focus on developing new skills and seeking other opportunities."

• Negative Thought: "I lost one friend; nobody wants to be around me." Rational Response: "Losing one friend doesn't mean nobody wants to be around me. Friendships evolve, and new connections can be formed. It's important to focus on nurturing other relationships."

• Negative Thought: "I failed a diet once; I'll never be able to lose weight." Rational Response: "One failed attempt at a diet doesn't mean I'll never succeed. I can learn from the experience, adjust my approach, and seek support to make sustainable changes."

• Negative Thought: "I didn't get invited to the party; I'm always excluded." Rational Response: "Not getting invited to one party doesn't mean I'm always excluded. People make various social plans, and I can initiate my own gatherings or explore other social opportunities."

• Negative Thought: "I got rejected from one job application; I'll never find employment." Rational Response: "One job rejection doesn't mean I'll never find employment. Job searches can be competitive, and it's important to keep applying, learn from each experience, and improve my approach."

• Negative Thought: "I made a mistake while public speaking; I'll never be a good presenter." Rational Response: "Making a mistake during one public speaking event doesn't mean I'll never be a good presenter. It takes practice, and each experience provides an opportunity to refine my skills."

• Negative Thought: "I failed to reach a personal goal once; I'm incapable of achieving anything." Rational Response: "Failing to achieve one personal goal doesn't mean I'm incapable. It's an opportunity to reassess my approach, set realistic expectations, and persevere in pursuing my aspirations."

"Remember, these rational responses aim to challenge overgeneralization by examining the evidence, considering alternative explanations, and promoting a more balanced and realistic perspective" (ChatGPT).


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