Saturday, February 15, 2025


Below is a list of the basic Stoic principles, derived from select texts of Grant C. Sterling. I used Claude to generate a new "Logical Progression of Stoic Principles" from these principles. 

Here is a link to the texts from which the principles were derived:

Nine excerpts and full texts about Stoicism by Grant C. Sterling

"The Stoic View: Changing False Judgments to 

Eliminate Emotions" 

1. Human flourishing consists in virtue and joy

2. Virtue is in our control

3. Joy is in our control

4. External things are not in our control

5. Virtue is good

6. Vice is evil

7. External things are not good

8. External things are not evil

9. Emotions occur if and only if we believe external things have value

10. External things have no value

11. Without believing external things have value, there are no emotions

12. Virtue leads to not believing external things have value

13. Joy leads to not believing external things have value

14. Therefore, human flourishing consists in not believing external things have value and virtue


I'll reconstruct the logical progression using the specific propositions from Text 2. 

# Logical Progression of Stoic Principles (Based on Text 2) 

## Foundation Layer: Control and Value

1. **The Division of Control**

   - Virtue is in our control

   - Joy is in our control

   - External things are not in our control

   - This creates the fundamental framework for all Stoic reasoning 

2. **Theory of Value**

   - Virtue is good

   - Vice is evil

   - External things are not good

   - External things are not evil

   - This establishes a complete value framework aligned with what's in our control 

## The Nature of Emotions

3. **Emotional Causation**

   - Emotions occur if and only if we believe external things have value

   - External things have no value

   - Therefore, emotions arise from false beliefs about value 

4. **Elimination of Emotions**

   - Without believing external things have value, there are no emotions

   - Both virtue and joy lead to not believing external things have value

   - This creates a path to emotional freedom 

## The Path to Human Flourishing (Eudaimonia)

5. **Components of Eudaimonia**

   - Human flourishing consists in virtue and joy

   - Both components must be present for eudaimonia

   - Both components are within our control 

6. **Final Integration**

   - Human flourishing consists in:

     - Not believing external things have value

     - Practicing virtue

   - This represents the complete achievement of the Stoic goal 

## Key Dependencies:

- The theory of control establishes what we can and cannot influence

- The theory of value builds on what we can control

- Emotional theory depends on our understanding of value

- Eudaimonia depends on correctly implementing all previous elements 

This framework differs from the original logical progression by:

- Treating joy as a co-equal component with virtue

- Placing stronger emphasis on the elimination of emotions

- Focusing more explicitly on belief about externals

- Having a more linear progression toward eudaimonia

A Representation of Stoicism in a Propositional Logic Form

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